Noah's Ark

Today I skipped PoMi Tutorial, BAcc replacement Lecture and IS Lecture due to laziness and sleep too "early". Actually, things happened throughout entire night. Sometimes I feel that confessing is better than hide and keep inside the heart.

One of my friends quoted, "Please don't tell the truth with lies in mixed, and please don't cast a frank in disguise." This telling the truth of human in reality, a sincere friend won't use their surface to cover their true self. Every person will grown and become more mature and independent when time pass. Don't think we have so much influence to affect people around you. In fact, those who get influenced will never grown.

University life, can be interesting, can be dull. The power of changing is inside everyone's hand. Don't let a small matter pull you down, and don't let a big matter destroy you. Foundation and degree are different, but why don't look both equally? For me, what make them difference is just the spelling. There is nothing to do on both, it only will become a useless excuse.

Family, small event might carry on with me, but any big event should not carry on without anyone of us. Sometime, many problems can just be settled or solved with just 3 words "I Love You", isn't? Learn to forgive someone, learn to feel at someone standpoint, and learn to let someone forgive themselves, any mistake in the past just let it become an experiences in future. This just can be called a growing process cycle. Without "implementation" and "maintainance", nothing can be said perfect.

Why don't we let everything sail with Noah's Ark? Let it sailed out from the darkness, forward to a brighter world.

Speak louder than action is useless,
Proof to yourself that you can make it,
Proof to others to make them change their impression on you.
Proof you've grown and matured,

Proof you're not childish.
We can't live in the past,
We should live in the moment.

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