Stress Relieve

*Flash back* It still have 11 days to my final exam. Not yet done any preparations, all lecture notes and tutorials still "stay tidy" on the desk. I have no confidence for this exam, it is also my first time Degree exam, I'm fear I can't do well.

Today is FBF students register for their next semester timetable by according their course. My turn is 1pm and luckily my friends and I managed to "steal" the time we want. It's my first time done the registration in cybercafe (DDS).
*Chuckle* We keep shouting and yelling like mad people when the registration lagged there.

Already quite a long time I didn't back to campus for any classes, for sure I become more and more lazy and tired. I think I should be alert and awake starting next week (Study Leave). This week can be said the deadline for me to have fun. After go and back from hometown, I hope I can start to do past year paper and revision.

My current situation:

"Net force" study
"Break even" feeling
"Zero acceleration" movement
More electrons I released to surroundings with protons constant, it caused frequency of effective collisions decrease and repelling between same charged ions increase, as a result study energy diminished.

Ideal situation:

"Full force" study
"Super normal" feeling
"Positive acceleration" movement
More electrons must accept from surroundings but yet still need to assort with protons to cause frequency of effective collisions and attraction between ions increase, as a result to increase and maximize study energy.

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