It's Just A Cycle

The rain is summoning me, but rain just passed,
The rain summoned me to feel the great moment when it drop on my skin.

The thunder is calling me, but thunder just ended,
The thunder called me to hear the sensational moment when it contact with lands.

The wind is whispering to me, but wind just stopped.
The wind whispered to me to enjoy the touching moment when it story to me.

Sometime I do love the rain, because I have nice memory with it.
Sometime I do hate the rain, because I also have bad memory with it.

Every minutes every seconds of rain,
It just like a melody of different story,
Enhanced by thunder and wind to make it perfect,
Slowly dropped to the Earth as orchestra.

Darkness is always short,
Once it drop-off,
Once it blowing,
Once it rung off,
Once feeling passed,
A brilliant start is waiting ahead,
And continuous cycle.

Try to love and hate the happiness, joy, fearless, satisfaction and bright,
Try to hate and love the sadness, sorrow, horror, emptiness and darkness,
Let all of them neutralize each other,
This just is what we called - "LIFE".

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